Monday, November 30, 2009

Join us!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I'm still stuffed!
We'll be meeting tomorrow morning, December 1st, from 10:00 - 11:30 am in Community Room B on the 2nd floor of the Yonkers Riverfront Library (914-375-7966).
If you're interested in joining our group just stop by with your materials and you'll be knitting, crocheting and making new friends in no time!
Below is a picture of Marge, one of our members, modeling a scarf that she made. Marge ran out of yarn before the scarf was completed and was having a very hard time matching it. We were all keeping our eyes open when we went shopping but we did not see the same yarn. Luckily her sister was able to find another skein after a lengthy search. Oh...the perils of knitting!!!!!